Example Usage

We can use the openbrewerydb.load function to query Open Brewery DB and retrieve brewery information. For example, we can get brewery data for the state of Wisconsin

>>> import openbrewerydb
>>> data = openbrewerydb.load(state='wisconsin')

What’s returned is a Pandas DataFrame with information about the breweries in Wisconsin (each row is a different brewery). The columns of this DataFrame are:

>>> data.columns
Index(['brewery_type', 'city', 'country', 'id', 'latitude', 'longitude',
    'name', 'phone', 'postal_code', 'state', 'street', 'tag_list',
    'updated_at', 'website_url'],

At this point, all the normal functionality in Pandas is available for us to play with. For example, if we want to know what the distribution of brewery types, we can use the DataFrame.value_counts() method to get the total number of each brewery type

>>> brewery_types = data['brewery_type'].value_counts()
>>> brewery_types
micro         89
brewpub       73
contract      17
planning      16
regional       9
large          5
proprietor     2
Name: brewery_type, dtype: int64