API Documentation

openbrewerydb.load(state=None, city=None, brewery_type=None, verbose=False)[source]

Query the Open Brewery DB

state : str, optional

State name (case-insensitive) to select (default is None, all states will be included). Note that ‘district of columbia’ is a valid state.

city : str, optional

City name (case-insensitive) to select (default is None, all cities will be included).

brewery_type : {None, ‘micro’, ‘regional’, ‘brewpub’, ‘large’, ‘planning’, ‘bar’, ‘contract’, ‘proprietor’}

Brewery type to select (default is None, all brewery types will be included).

verbose : bool, optional

Option for verbose output (default is False).

New in version 0.1.1.

data : pandas.DataFrame

DataFrame with query results


Get information about all micro breweries in Wisconsin

>>> import openbrewerydb
>>> data = openbrewerydb.load(state='wisconsin',
...                           brewery_type='micro')