Filesystem path setupΒΆ

Many files are automatically generated and saved throughout the course of running this analysis. Exactly where these files are saved is specified in cr-composition/config.yml. An example config.yml is shown below

# config.yml

    metaproject: /data/user/jbourbeau/metaprojects/icerec/V05-01-05
    comp_data_dir: /data/user/jbourbeau/composition
    condor_data_dir: /data/user/jbourbeau/composition/condor
    condor_scratch_dir: /scratch/jbourbeau/composition/condor
    figures_dir: /home/jbourbeau/public_html/figures/composition
    project_root: /home/jbourbeau/cr-composition
    virtualenv_dir: /home/jbourbeau/cr-composition/.virtualenv

The use of these various paths are:

  • metaproject: Path to built IceRec installation (as outlined in the Computing environment setup guide)
  • comp_data_dir: Directory where all data files will be saved
  • condor_data_dir: Directory to store all condor-related standard output and error files (should be located in /data/user)
  • condor_scratch_dir: Directory to store all condor-related log and submit files (should be located in /scratch)
  • figures_dir: Directory where all plots will be saved
  • project_root: Path to cr-composition repository
  • virtualenv_dir: Path to Python virtual environment used in the analysis (as outlined in the Computing environment setup guide)

Each of these paths can be changed to your desired location.