Computing environment setup

This page walks through the initial setup and installation steps to configure the computing environment used for this analysis. It is assumed that you are currently logged onto one of the IceCube cobalt testbed machines.

Cloning the analysis repository

The code for this analysis is hosted on GitHub. A copy of the analysis repository can be cloned to your local machine using git clone

git clone

This will create a cr-composition/ directory containing the analysis code which you can then cd into.

cd cr-composition

Setting up the CVMFS toolset

To configure the system level dependencies we’ll use the py2-v3 toolset in the IceCube CVMFS

eval $(/cvmfs/

This will set up many system-wide tools for us to use (e.g. Python 2.7.13).

Creating a virtual environment

Next we’ll set up a virtual Python environment using virtualenv to install our Python dependencies.

virtualenv --prompt="(cr-composition) " /path/to/virtualenv
source /path/to/virtualenv/bin/activate

Here, /path/to/virtualenv should be replaced with wherever you’d like your virtual environment to be installed. To activate the virtual environment, use

source /path/to/virtualenv/bin/activate

Installing Python dependencies

The Python dependencies for this analysis are listed in requirements.txt. They, along with the comptools Python pacakge, can be installed using pip

pip install -e .

Building the IceCube software

We’ll make use of the icerec metaproject in conjunction with the weighting and corsika-reader projects. The specific version used are listed below.

Project name Version
icerec V05-01-05
weighting V00-02-01
corsika-reader V00-01-02

The source code for these projects can be retrieved from the IceCube SVN repository using the following commands

mkdir /path/to/icecube/software
cd /path/to/icecube/software
svn co src
svn co src/weighting
svn co src/corsika-reader

Above /path/to/icecube/software should be replaced with wherever you’d like the IceCube software to be installed. The source code can be compiled into the build/ directory via

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11 ../src