Source code for comptools.simfunctions

import os
import glob
from itertools import chain
import numpy as np

    from icecube.weighting.weighting import from_simprod
except ImportError as e:

from .base import requires_icecube, partition

[docs]def comp2mass(composition): mass_dict = {'P': 1, 'He': 2, 'O': 3, 'Fe': 4} # mass_dict = {'P': 0.938272013, # 'He': 3.727379, # 'O': 14.8950815346, # 'Fe': 52.0898090795} try: return mass_dict[composition] except KeyError as error: raise('Got a KeyError:\n\t{}'.format(error))
[docs]def get_sim_configs(): return ['IC79.2010', 'IC86.2012']
[docs]def get_sim_dict(): sim_dict = {} # Add IC79.2010 simulation sets IC79_sims = [7006, 7579, 7241, 7263, 7791, 7242, 7262, 7851, 7007, 7784] for sim in IC79_sims: sim_dict[sim] = 'IC79.2010' # Add IC86.2012 simulation sets IC86_2012_sims = [12360, 12362, 12630, 12631] for sim in IC86_2012_sims: sim_dict[sim] = 'IC86.2012' return sim_dict
[docs]def sim_to_config(sim): if not isinstance(sim, int): raise TypeError('sim must be an integer (the simulation set ID)') sim_dict = get_sim_dict() try: return sim_dict[sim] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Invalid simulation set, {}, entered'.format(sim))
[docs]def config_to_sim(config): if config not in get_sim_configs(): raise ValueError('Invalid config entered') sim_dict = get_sim_dict() sim_list = [] for sim, sim_config in sim_dict.items(): if sim_config == config: sim_list.append(sim) return sim_list
[docs]@requires_icecube def sim_to_comp(sim): # Will utilize the weighting project found here # # Query database to extract composition from simulation set generator = from_simprod(int(sim)) # Ensure that there is only one composition assert len(generator.spectra) == 1 composition = generator.spectra.keys()[0].name return composition
[docs]def sim_to_thinned(sim): # IC79.2010 simulation sets not_thinned = [7006, 7241, 7263, 7242, 7262, 7007] is_thinned = [7579, 7791, 7851, 7784] # IC82.2012 simulation sets not_thinned.extend([12360, 12362, 12630, 12631]) if sim in not_thinned: return False elif sim in is_thinned: return True else: raise ValueError('Invalid simulation set, {}, entered'.format(sim))
[docs]def sim_to_energy_bins(sim): # IC79.2010 simulation sets not_thinned = [7006, 7241, 7263, 7242, 7262, 7007] is_thinned = [7579, 7791, 7851, 7784] # IC82.2012 simulation sets not_thinned.extend([12360, 12362, 12630, 12631]) if sim in not_thinned: ebin_first = 5.0 ebin_last = 7.9 elif sim in is_thinned: ebin_first = 7.0 ebin_last = 9.4 else: raise ValueError('Invalid simulation set, {}, entered'.format(sim)) return ebin_first, ebin_last
def _get_level3_sim_file_pattern(sim): config = sim_to_config(sim) if config == 'IC79.2010': config = 'IC79' prefix = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.sep, 'data', 'ana', 'CosmicRay', 'IceTop_level3', 'sim', config)) sim_file_pattern = os.path.join(prefix, str(sim), 'Level3_*.i3.gz') return sim_file_pattern
[docs]def level3_sim_files(sim, files_per_batch=None, max_batches=None): files = glob.glob(_get_level3_sim_file_pattern(sim)) return files
[docs]def level3_sim_file_batches(sim, size, max_batches=None): """Generates level3 simulation file paths in batches Parameters ---------- sim : int Simulation dataset (e.g. 7006, 7241) size: int Number of files in each batch max_batches : int, optional Option to only yield ``max_batches`` number of file batches (default is to yield all batches) Returns ------- generator Generator that yields batches of simulation files Examples -------- Basic usage: >>> from comptools.simfunctions import level3_sim_file_batches >>> list(level3_sim_file_batches(7241, size=3, max_batches=2)) [('/data/ana/CosmicRay/IceTop_level3/sim/IC79/7241/Level3_IC79_7241_Run005347.i3.gz', '/data/ana/CosmicRay/IceTop_level3/sim/IC79/7241/Level3_IC79_7241_Run005393.i3.gz', '/data/ana/CosmicRay/IceTop_level3/sim/IC79/7241/Level3_IC79_7241_Run009678.i3.gz'), ('/data/ana/CosmicRay/IceTop_level3/sim/IC79/7241/Level3_IC79_7241_Run001015.i3.gz', '/data/ana/CosmicRay/IceTop_level3/sim/IC79/7241/Level3_IC79_7241_Run002597.i3.gz', '/data/ana/CosmicRay/IceTop_level3/sim/IC79/7241/Level3_IC79_7241_Run007939.i3.gz')] """ files_iter = glob.iglob(_get_level3_sim_file_pattern(sim)) return partition(files_iter, size=size, max_batches=max_batches)
[docs]def level3_sim_GCD_file(sim): config = sim_to_config(sim) if config == 'IC79.2010': config = 'IC79' prefix = '/data/ana/CosmicRay/IceTop_level3/sim/{}'.format(config) gcd_file = os.path.join(prefix, 'GCD', 'Level3_{}_GCD.i3.gz'.format(sim)) return gcd_file
[docs]def get_level3_sim_files_iterator(sim_list): '''Function to return an iterable of simulation files Parameters ---------- sim_list : int, array-like Simulation(s) sets to get i3 files for (e.g. 12360 or [12360, 12362, 12630, 12631]). Returns ------- file_iter : itertools.chain Iterable of simulation i3 files. ''' if isinstance(sim_list, int): sim_list = [sim_list] file_patterns = [_get_level3_sim_file_pattern(sim) for sim in sim_list] file_iter = chain.from_iterable(glob.iglob(pattern) for pattern in file_patterns) return file_iter
[docs]def run_to_energy_bin(run, sim): '''Gives the CORSIKA energy bin for a given simulation run Parameters ---------- run : int Run number for a simulation set. Returns ------- energy_bin : float Corresponding CORSIKA energy bin for run. ''' ebin_first, ebin_last = sim_to_energy_bins(sim) # Taken from simulation production webpage: # return (ebin_first * 10 + (run - 1) % (ebin_last * 10 - ebin_first * 10 + 1)) / 10
@np.vectorize def get_sim_thrown_radius(log_energy): '''Gives the thrown simulation radius for a given log_energy Parameters ---------- log_energy : float, array-like Log energy (in GeV) for a CR shower. Returns ------- thrown_radius : float, array-like Corresponding thrown radius. ''' if log_energy <= 6: thrown_radius = 800.0 elif (log_energy > 6) & (log_energy <= 7): thrown_radius = 1100.0 elif (log_energy > 7) & (log_energy <= 8): thrown_radius = 1700.0 elif (log_energy > 8) & (log_energy <= 9): thrown_radius = 2600.0 elif (log_energy > 9) & (log_energy <= 10): thrown_radius = 2900.0 else: raise ValueError('Invalid energy entered') return thrown_radius
[docs]def reco_pulses(): IT_pulses = 'IceTopHLCSeedRTPulses' inice_pulses = 'SRTCoincPulses' return IT_pulses, inice_pulses
[docs]def null_stream(config): nullstream = {} nullstream['IT73'] = 'nullsplit' nullstream['IT81'] = 'in_ice' return nullstream[config]
[docs]def it_stream(config): itstream = {} itstream[config] = 'ice_top' return itstream[config]
[docs]def filter_mask(config): filtermask = {} for cfg in ['IT59', 'IT73', 'IT81']: filtermask[cfg] = 'FilterMask' for cfg in ['IT81-II', 'IT81-III']: filtermask[cfg] = 'QFilterMask' return filtermask[config]