Source code for comptools.model_selection

from __future__ import division
from collections import defaultdict
import dask
from dask import delayed, multiprocessing, threaded
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold, KFold, GridSearchCV
from sklearn.metrics import get_scorer

from .base import get_training_features
from .io import dataframe_to_X_y
from .composition_encoding import get_comp_list
from .data_functions import ratio_error
from .pipelines import get_pipeline

def _get_frac_correct(df_train, df_test, feature_columns, num_groups,
                      pipeline_str, comp_list, log_energy_bins):
    '''Calculates the fraction of correctly identified samples in each energy bin
    for each composition in comp_list. In addition, the statisitcal error for the
    fraction correctly identified is calculated.'''

    # Fit pipeline and get mask for correctly identified events
    target = 'comp_target_{}'.format(num_groups)
    pipeline = get_pipeline(pipeline_str)[feature_columns], df_train[target])
    test_predictions = pipeline.predict(df_test[feature_columns])
    correctly_identified_mask = (test_predictions == df_test[target])

    # Construct MC composition masks
    MC_comp_mask = {}
    for composition in comp_list:
        MC_comp_mask[composition] = df_test['comp_group_{}'.format(num_groups)] == composition
    MC_comp_mask['total'] = np.ones(len(df_test), dtype=bool)

    data = {}
    for composition in comp_list + ['total']:
        comp_mask = MC_comp_mask[composition]
        # Get number of MC comp in each reco energy bin
        num_MC_energy = np.histogram(df_test.loc[comp_mask, 'MC_log_energy'], bins=log_energy_bins)[0]
        num_MC_energy_err = np.sqrt(num_MC_energy)

        # Get number of correctly identified comp in each reco energy bin
        num_reco_energy = np.histogram(df_test.loc[comp_mask & correctly_identified_mask, 'MC_log_energy'],
        num_reco_energy_err = np.sqrt(num_reco_energy)

        # Calculate correctly identified fractions as a function of MC energy
        frac_correct, frac_correct_err = ratio_error(
            num_reco_energy, num_reco_energy_err,
            num_MC_energy, num_MC_energy_err)
        data['frac_correct_{}'.format(composition)] = frac_correct
        data['frac_correct_err_{}'.format(composition)] = frac_correct_err

    return data

[docs]def get_CV_frac_correct(df_train, feature_list, target, pipeline_str, num_groups, log_energy_bins, n_splits=10, n_jobs=1): skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True, random_state=2) comp_list = get_comp_list(num_groups=num_groups) comp_target = target # Set up get_frac_correct to run on each CV fold folds = [] for train_index, test_index in skf.split(df_train, df_train[comp_target]): df_train_fold = df_train.iloc[train_index] df_test_fold = df_train.iloc[test_index] frac_correct = delayed(_get_frac_correct)( df_train_fold, df_test_fold, feature_list, num_groups, pipeline_str, comp_list, log_energy_bins) folds.append(frac_correct) df_cv = delayed(pd.DataFrame.from_records)(folds) # Run get_frac_correct on each fold in parallel print('Running {}-fold CV model evaluation...'.format(n_splits)) with ProgressBar(): get = multiprocessing.get if n_jobs > 1 else dask.get df_cv = df_cv.compute(get=get, num_works=n_jobs) return df_cv
@delayed def _cross_validate_comp(df_train, df_test, pipeline_str, param_name, param_value, feature_list=None, target='comp_target_2', scoring='r2', num_groups=2, n_splits=10): '''Calculates stratified k-fold CV scores for a given hyperparameter value Parameters ---------- df_train : pandas.DataFrame Training DataFrame (see comptools.load_sim()). df_test : pandas.DataFrame Testing DataFrame (see comptools.load_sim()). pipeline_str : str Name of pipeline to use (e.g. 'BDT', 'RF_energy', etc.). param_name : str Name of hyperparameter (e.g. 'max_depth', 'learning_rate', etc.). param_value : int, float, str Value to set hyperparameter to. feature_list : list, optional List of training feature columns to use (default is to use comptools.get_training_features()). target : str, optional Training target to use (default is 'comp_target_2'). scoring : {'r2', 'mse', 'accuracy'} Scoring metric to calculate for each CV fold (default is 'r2'). num_groups : int, optional Number of composition class groups to use (default is 2). n_splits : int, optional Number of folds to use in (KFold) cross-validation (default is 10). Returns ------- data_dict : dict Return a dictionary with average scores as well as CV errors on those scores. ''' # assert scoring in ['accuracy', 'mse', 'r2'], 'Invalid scoring parameter' comp_list = get_comp_list(num_groups=num_groups) if feature_list is None: feature_list, _ = get_training_features() pipeline = get_pipeline(pipeline_str) pipeline.named_steps['classifier'].set_params(**{param_name: param_value}) # Only run on a single core try: pipeline.named_steps['classifier'].set_params(**{'n_jobs': 1}) except ValueError: pass data_dict = {'classifier': pipeline_str, 'param_name': param_name, 'param_value': param_value, 'n_splits': n_splits} train_scores = defaultdict(list) test_scores = defaultdict(list) kf = KFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True, random_state=2) scorer = get_scorer(scoring) for train_index, test_index in kf.split(df_train.values): df_train_fold = df_train.iloc[train_index] df_test_fold = df_train.iloc[test_index] X_train, y_train = dataframe_to_X_y(df_train_fold, feature_list, target=target) X_test, y_test = dataframe_to_X_y(df_test_fold, feature_list, target=target) pipeline =, y_train) train_pred = pipeline.predict(X_train) train_score = scorer(y_train, train_pred) train_scores['total'].append(train_score) test_pred = pipeline.predict(X_test) test_score = scorer(y_test, test_pred) test_scores['total'].append(test_score) # Get testing/training scores for each composition group for composition in comp_list: comp_key = 'comp_group_{}'.format(num_groups) comp_mask_train = df_train_fold[comp_key] == composition comp_score_train = scorer(y_train[comp_mask_train], train_pred[comp_mask_train]) train_scores[composition].append(comp_score_train) comp_mask_test = df_test_fold[comp_key] == composition comp_score_test = scorer(y_test[comp_mask_test], test_pred[comp_mask_test]) test_scores[composition].append(comp_score_test) for label in comp_list + ['total']: data_dict['train_mean_{}'.format(label)] = np.mean(train_scores[label]) data_dict['train_std_{}'.format(label)] = np.std(train_scores[label]) data_dict['test_mean_{}'.format(label)] = np.mean(test_scores[label]) data_dict['test_std_{}'.format(label)] = np.std(test_scores[label]) return data_dict
[docs]def cross_validate_comp(df_train, df_test, pipeline_str, param_name, param_values, feature_list=None, target='comp_target_2', scoring='accuracy', num_groups=2, n_splits=10, n_jobs=1, verbose=False): '''Calculates stratified k-fold CV scores for a given hyperparameter value Similar to sklearn.model_selection.cross_validate, but returns results for individual composition groups as well as the combined CV result. Parameters ---------- df_train : pandas.DataFrame Training DataFrame (see comptools.load_sim()). df_test : pandas.DataFrame Testing DataFrame (see comptools.load_sim()). pipeline_str : str Name of pipeline to use (e.g. 'BDT', 'RF_energy', etc.). param_name : str Name of hyperparameter (e.g. 'max_depth', 'learning_rate', etc.). param_values : array-like Values to set hyperparameter to. feature_list : list, optional List of training feature columns to use (default is to use comptools.get_training_features()). target : str, optional Training target to use (default is 'comp_target_2'). scoring : str, optional Scoring metric to calculate for each CV fold (default is 'accuracy'). num_groups : int, optional Number of composition class groups to use (default is 2). n_splits : int, optional Number of folds to use in (KFold) cross-validation (default is 10). n_jobs : int, optional Number of jobs to run in parallel (default is 1). verbose : bool, optional Option to print a progress bar (default is False). Returns ------- df_cv : pandas.DataFrame Returns a DataFrame with average scores as well as CV errors on those scores for each composition. ''' cv_dicts = [] for param_value in param_values: cv_dict = _cross_validate_comp( df_train, df_test, pipeline_str, param_name, param_value, feature_list=feature_list, target=target, scoring=scoring, num_groups=num_groups, n_splits=n_splits) cv_dicts.append(cv_dict) df_cv = delayed(pd.DataFrame.from_records)(cv_dicts, index='param_value') get = dask.get if n_jobs == 1 else threaded.get # get = dask.get if n_jobs == 1 else multiprocessing.get if verbose: with ProgressBar(): print('Performing {}-fold CV on {} hyperparameter values ({} fits):'.format( n_splits, len(param_values), n_splits*len(param_values))) df_cv = df_cv.compute(get=get, num_works=n_jobs) else: df_cv = df_cv.compute(get=get, num_works=n_jobs) return df_cv
[docs]def get_param_grid(pipeline_name=None): """Returns dictionary with hyperparameter values to search Parameters ---------- pipeline_name : str, optional Pipeline name. Should be formatted as <name>_comp_<config>_<num_groups>-groups. For example, pipeline_name=BDT_comp_IC86.2012_2-groups (default is None). Returns ------- param_grid : dict Dictionary with hyperparameter names / values to be passed to GridSearchCV. """ if pipeline_name is None: raise ValueError('Must enter a value for pipeline_name.') if 'BDT' in pipeline_name: param_grid = {'classifier__n_estimators': [10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300], 'classifier__max_depth': list(range(1, 11)), 'classifier__learning_rate': [0.1, 0.5, 0.8]} elif 'xgboost' in pipeline_name: # param_grid = {'classifier__n_estimators': [100, 150, 200], # 'classifier__max_depth': list(range(3, 7)), # 'classifier__learning_rate': [0.1, 0.15, 0.2]} param_grid = {'classifier__n_estimators': [100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600], 'classifier__max_depth': list(range(3, 11)), 'classifier__learning_rate': [0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2], # 'classifier__subsample': [0.5, 0.75, 1.0], } else: raise ValueError('Invalid pipeline entered: {}'.format(pipeline_name)) return param_grid
[docs]def gridsearch_optimize(pipeline, param_grid, X_train, y_train, scoring='accuracy', n_jobs=1, return_gridsearch=False): """Runs a grid search to optimize hyperparameters Parameters ---------- pipeline : sklearn.model_selection.Pipeline Pipeline to fit. param_grid : dict Dictionary with hyperparameter names / values to be passed to GridSearchCV. X_train : array_like Training features. y_train : array_like Training labels. scoring : str Scoring metric to use (default is 'accuracy'). n_jobs : int, optional Number of jobs to run in parallel (default is 1). return_gridsearch : bool, optional Whether to return the fitted GridSearchCV object, or the best_estimator_ object (default is False, so will return the best_estimator_). Returns ------- best_pipeline : sklearn.model_selection.Pipeline Pipeline with optimal hyperparameter values that has been trained on the entire training dataset (X_train, y_train). gridsearch : sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV Fitted GridSearchCV object. """ # Want to make sure pipeline isn't running in parallel # Will run GridSearchCV in parallel instead if hasattr(pipeline, 'classifier__n_jobs'): pipeline.set_params(classifier__n_jobs=1) param_str = '\n\t'.join(['{}: {}'.format(key, value) for key, value in param_grid.iteritems()]) print('Running grid search over the following hyperparameters:\n\t{}'.format(param_str)) gridsearch = GridSearchCV(pipeline, param_grid=param_grid, cv=10, scoring=scoring, n_jobs=n_jobs, return_train_score=True, verbose=2), y_train) print('best GridSearchCV params = {}'.format(gridsearch.best_params_)) if return_gridsearch: return gridsearch else: best_pipeline = gridsearch.best_estimator_ return best_pipeline