Source code for comptools.composition_encoding

from __future__ import print_function, division
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np

_two_group_labels = OrderedDict()
_two_group_labels['PPlus'] = 'light'
_two_group_labels['He4Nucleus'] = 'light'
_two_group_labels['O16Nucleus'] = 'heavy'
_two_group_labels['Fe56Nucleus'] = 'heavy'

_three_group_labels = OrderedDict()
_three_group_labels['PPlus'] = 'light'
_three_group_labels['He4Nucleus'] = 'light'
_three_group_labels['O16Nucleus'] = 'intermediate'
_three_group_labels['Fe56Nucleus'] = 'heavy'

[docs]def composition_group_labels(compositions, num_groups=2): if num_groups == 2: comp_to_group = _two_group_labels elif num_groups == 3: comp_to_group = _three_group_labels elif num_groups == 4: return compositions else: raise ValueError('Invalid number of groups entered. ' 'Must be 2, 3, or 4.') if isinstance(compositions, str): return comp_to_group[compositions] else: return [comp_to_group[c] for c in compositions]
_two_group_encoding = OrderedDict() _two_group_encoding['light'] = 0 _two_group_encoding['heavy'] = 1 _three_group_encoding = OrderedDict() _three_group_encoding['light'] = 0 _three_group_encoding['intermediate'] = 1 _three_group_encoding['heavy'] = 2 _four_group_encoding = OrderedDict() _four_group_encoding['PPlus'] = 0 _four_group_encoding['He4Nucleus'] = 1 _four_group_encoding['O16Nucleus'] = 2 _four_group_encoding['Fe56Nucleus'] = 3 def _get_group_encoding_dict(num_groups=2): if num_groups == 2: group_to_label = _two_group_encoding elif num_groups == 3: group_to_label = _three_group_encoding elif num_groups == 4: group_to_label = _four_group_encoding else: raise ValueError('Invalid number of groups entered. ' 'Must be 2, 3, or 4.') return group_to_label
[docs]def encode_composition_groups(groups, num_groups=2): group_to_label = _get_group_encoding_dict(num_groups=num_groups) if isinstance(groups, str): return group_to_label[groups] else: return [group_to_label[g] for g in groups]
[docs]def decode_composition_groups(labels, num_groups=2): group_to_label = _get_group_encoding_dict(num_groups=num_groups) label_to_group = {value: key for key, value in group_to_label.items()} try: groups = np.empty_like(labels, dtype=object) for idx, label in enumerate(labels): groups[idx] = label_to_group[label] return groups # return np.array([label_to_group[l] for l in labels], dtype=str) except KeyError: raise KeyError('Incorrect label entered')
[docs]def get_comp_list(num_groups=2): group_to_label = _get_group_encoding_dict(num_groups=num_groups) return list(group_to_label.keys())
comp_to_label_dict = {'light': 0, 'heavy': 1}
[docs]def comp_to_label(composition): try: return comp_to_label_dict[composition] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Incorrect composition ({}) entered'.format(composition))
[docs]def label_to_comp(label): label_to_comp_dict = {value: key for key, value in comp_to_label_dict.items()} try: return label_to_comp_dict[label] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Incorrect label ({}) entered'.format(label))